Thursday, July 12, 2007

Summer at My House

So, I haven't blogged too much lately...partly because I don't really know what to write about.
Seriously, I'm a 25 year-old possessed by an octogenarian Oma - what could I possibly have to say? When most people my age are hanging out at Brewsters, I'm at home knitting in my pajamas. I like sensible underwear. I call teenagers "whipper-snappers". I don't like loud music. I'm considering crocheting doilies for the back of our couch and chairs.

But anyways, this Oma loves summer. When Liam goes down for his nap, I head out to the garden and either weed or water. Let me show you what's growing!



....Tiny Tim tomatoes


...maiden pinks



Here's the full view of the vegetable garden

The herb garden

Side view of the house (just 'cuz)

So anyway, that's what I've been up to lately! I plan on posting soon about Liam...if I can find him under my knitting


Karyn said...

Vanessa, you are too funny!

I think, if you were to look in the hearts of those 25 year olds that hang out at Brewster's, you would find a secret desire to be able to stay home and knit or garden.

Vanessa said...

I hope that it's everyone's desire to learn how to knit. I mean, if the world learned to knit, it would be a much more beautiful place!

Grandma Farm said...

I was in the same boat. When I was Elyse's age (20) I already had two kids, had a huge garden, and was cross-stitching up a storm whilst everyone else my age was still figuring out what to do with their life. I wouldn't have traded it for the world. Karyn is correct in what she said about others your age wishing they could do the same as you.
Enjoy your life! It is beautiful!!

arlene said...

(Hey, I see I didn't get past that post with all the CUTE pictures of Liam! How could THAT happen! OH well, I'm here now.)

Heck Vanessa, even some Oma's (probably still hanging out at Brewsters) wish they had the sweet life you've just described so beautifully.
Oh, your photo's are wonderful! And that zucchini!!!
