Monday, April 21, 2008


We were away in Slave Lake all weekend for Nialle's Grandfather's funeral. It was hard to say goodbye to such a kind, generous and brilliant man and he will be greatly missed by many, many people.

Though the tone of the weekend was somber, there were a few moments granted to us by Liam that gave everyone a good laugh. We stayed at Aunty Kandis' house and she made sure to bring out the fun toys for Liam to play with. Here's a video of Liam showing off his riding skills for all to see...

Springtime Woes

We were thisclose to spring. The snow had melted, the perennials were popping up, the geese were returning...spring was almost here. Almost. We'll just have to wait a few more weeks for spring now because the dump of snow we got yesterday and today is downright ridiculous. And, as far as I know, it supposed to snow for two more days.

The view from my back door. We had just brought out Liam's basketball net and were playing basketball out on the lawn last week.

I had even brought out my lanterns for summer.

Not even the Jehovah's Witnesses could escape this dump of snow.

I think you'll all agree with me when I say IT'S JUST NOT FAIR!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Look Who's Talking Now...

One of the greatest things I enjoy right now about Liam is how quickly he is picking up words:

Last week, Liam and I were playing outside and we heard the geese coming back for spring. When Liam heard the honking, he exclaimed, "Beepers!" Uber-cute.

Liam has a few words that he pronounces the same way, so you have to be listening carefully to the context of the word, or else you could be in trouble. For instance, Liam pronounces pizza and penis the same way...sadly, Nialle and I giggle immaturely every time Liam tells us we are having "penis" for supper.

Just this week, Liam used two new sentences. One morning I was engrossed in knitting the start of the thumb of a mitten (hey, they're pretty tricky to do) when Liam started having trouble with his train set. He was fussing and I was telling him I'd be there to help in just a minute. Just a minute apparently wasn't good enough for Liam because he marched right up to me and shouted, "I WANT HELP!!" This was Liam's first sentence he formed all on his very own! I was pretty proud, even if he did have a stinky attitude. After crying at bedtime for what seemed like forever, Liam told me, "I want my bottle." (Anyone else notice that when I am an bad mommy and ignore my son's pleas for help and make him cry himself to sleep, that that's when he uses sentences? Fabulous.)

Here's a cute video of Liam showing me where the different parts of his body are. (I swear that when the camera is off he can do this perfectly...)