Monday, April 21, 2008


We were away in Slave Lake all weekend for Nialle's Grandfather's funeral. It was hard to say goodbye to such a kind, generous and brilliant man and he will be greatly missed by many, many people.

Though the tone of the weekend was somber, there were a few moments granted to us by Liam that gave everyone a good laugh. We stayed at Aunty Kandis' house and she made sure to bring out the fun toys for Liam to play with. Here's a video of Liam showing off his riding skills for all to see...


Kindra said...

Vanessa I really like the new layout. It's pretty and simple.

Kindra said...

Oh and I wanted to tell you that Crafty Daisies is doing a "Softie Swap" and they have 3 spots left for people to claim. You make a softie, send it to someone else and then someone else sends you one. Here's the link if you want it I don't know if you've knitted a softie before, but I thought it might be cool :)

Grandma Farm said...

My previous comment didn't seem to make it...Liam looks so cute here! I miss him.
I love the new look of your blog and it's nice to know where Baby#2 is in growth!
Grandma Farm

arlene said...

Hey, we need new footage!!! This Grandma and Gramps and Uncles miss our boy!!

Hope you're all doing well...we're having an amazing time and have internet at the hotel.

Off to see the Dead Sea Scrolls today. How cool is that?