Here's one of the first glimpses we've had of baby#2. It looks like the baby is healthy and growing well! I'm about 3 months now and I feel wonderful now that the first trimester exhaustion is starting to wear off.
Trying to explain to my brother Joel that I'm pregnant is a little bit tricky...our conversation went something like this...
-Joel, do you know that I'm going to have a baby?
-Where is it?
-In my tummy.
-Can I see?
(I lift my shirt up and explain to Joel that it's very tiny and inside of my tummy)
-Where is it?
-In my tummy.
-WHERE? I want to see it!
-You can't see it - not yet. We have to wait until summer to see the baby. It's in my tummy.
After much persuasion, I finally manage to convince Joel that he has to wait to see the baby because I need to carry it in my tummy for a while. Joel then thinks for a while, walks over to the nativity display, picks up the baby Jesus, shoves it under his shirt and says to me with much determination:
-I'm going to carry baby Jesus in my tummy.
You do that, Joel. You do that.
Ha!! What a smart kid! Too funny.
what better place to carry Baby Jesus?
And Baby Travnik is SO cute!!!!
Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.
that is so funny. Kids are the greatest!
He's so adorable...
Hey, I like your blog. I think it is cool... I will come back... Keep it up!
Do drop by my blog and have a look.
It will keep you laughing!! :)
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