Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Weiner Alert

I had a professor in bible college who would always say, "Now, love me on this, folks" when he was about to tell you something you might be shocked about.

So, love me on this, folks....

I have a knitting blog.

Did I hear gasps, or mostly just groans?

I know, I know. Some may not understand. But I'm not the only one out there with a knitting blog...there's tons of us...and you won't be able to get rid of us. Knitting is a passion for so many and here's why it's mine:

1. Knitting takes time.
2. Giving a hand knit gift that took hours to make is very satisfying
3. Knitting keeps me sane and prevents cabin fever.
4. Knitting is tactile, warm and delicious!

What you saw your grandmother knit with her WalMart yarn and what you see sold at the farmer's markets is not the kind of knitting I do. I knit cool stuff, or at least it's cool to me.

So check me out and see how awesome knitting really is!


Kindra said...

Vanessa, I totally thought that with a title like "Weiner Alert" you were going to say you found out your baby was a boy! Haha! You got me. That's good you have a hobby like's a chance to get some creativity out. I'm considering SEWING. I've even gone online and found the cutest fabrics, and I've thought about making throw pillows and cute dresses for Eva. I definitely feel old school searching ebay for "Fabric" though ;)

P.S. I totally "perusing" on my blog...and thanks for commenting. I totally lurk on yours as well....but you're right. Lurk does sound super creepy.

Kindra said...

Haha, I'm such a dork! Should have edited that last "I totally 'perusing' on my blog..." I meant "Thanks for 'perusing' my blog." Must have been trying to get out two thoughts at once.

Grandma Farm said...

Before the era of internet and blogging and such, I grew up with examples of knitting being those toilet paper roll dolls that sit on the toilet tank, pot holders, and scarves in the bizarrest colors. And Oh, we were lucky if it were made from Wal-Mart yarn! Usually it was recycled yarn unraveled from an old sweater or something else dug out from the back of a closet.
But,alas, times were rough in Oma's day. Being the oldest, knitting was a "have to" for younger brothers and sisters. Being a young mother to umpteen kids and on a very tight budget, forced Oma to improvise with her yarn resources. Now however, Oma never knits. Maybe that would be different if knitting had never been a "have to" and if she had available the cool patterns and yarn that we see today. Sigh. Makes me wonder if what we think as "have to"s today will be cool and exciting in 50 years time, things like laundry, or vacuuming.

arlene said...

Knitting is fascinating! I mean how cool is it that you can take two sticks, a bunch of string and tie a bunch of knots in the string with the sticks and end up with something gorgeous?? What's not to blog about???