Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Busy Boy

Liam's been a busy boy!

He's been helping Grandpa Farm rototill the garden...

He's been playing lots and lots...

He's been practicing for the new Olympic sport which involves diving over the side of the couch and making Mommy very scared...

And, he's been hanging out with his dad!


Grandma Farm said...

Whew! makes this grandma tired just reading about it! I still can't believe all the things he's become capable of in the last couple of weeks!
I might need to loan you my soothing tea cozy.

Grandma Farm

arlene said...

Oh we're in for a busy week...I can't wait!

Grandma Goin'-to-the-Mountains.

arlene said...

By the way, Levi is needing a Liam fix. He was really missing the little man last night.

Jan said...

Luca is almost fully trained for that Couch-diving Olympic event! Maybe there's a doubles category they can enter together?!

I can't believe how much that little boy looks like his Daddy!