Monday, October 15, 2007

Fall at Our House

We moved in around the beginning of November last year, so this year was the first time I got to see our Mountain Ash in all it's glory! After I took this picture, the leaves got even redder...I love it!

Joel and Josiah came over for on their birthday for a special lunch with Liam and me. Of course, all three of them got in some "Wrestle Mania" with my mom.

Nialle's sisters, Carly and Katie, came over for Thanksgiving. Of course Liam was smothered with love from these two! Both of these girls thoroughly enjoy being aunties!

And Liam? Well, this picture sums up his current status around here!

Liam finally has two teeth - he got his top right tooth first and then his lower left tooth! Life has been pretty exciting ever since!

Liam's latest fascination is dropping things down the stairs. At the end of the day, our staircase is riddled with teddies, blocks, pillows, socks and whatever else he can chuck over the side of the baby gate. Liam also has learned he likes to drop things down the heat register upstairs. Fabulous.

The other day, Liam discovered where I keep the treats I take along with me when I go subbing. He is very good at discretely taking the wrapper off of a sucker and happily goes about his business. I'm discovering sticky hand prints everywhere now!

I'm back subbing part-time. It's nice to be out and about again, but it's always nicer to come home to Liam.

That's been our fall so far...and fall always ushers in my favorite time of year - Christmas!


arlene said...

Busy, busy BUSY days!! So much to learn and explore and so much mischief to get into! It's so cute from this perspective! hehehe

Grandma Town

Karyn said...

Dropping things down the stairs.... that is a great game! LOL
And 2 teeth!!! Congratulations!

Vinjelu and Kathryn Muyaba said...

Sounds like fun! I love the sucker story, and the sticky finger prints:) silly boy