Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Liam Using Sign Language

Today Liam used sign language for the second time ever! It was a surprise because we haven't been very consistent with teaching him how to sign. It happened after supper and Liam was fussing to get out of his chair so I asked him if he was all done and he signed that he was! Pretty cool!

This is a great incentive to teach him more sign language!


Grandma Farm said...

What a smart little man!! But, hey with grandmas like the ones he has, is it any wonder??
Now, the next sign for him to learn is "I love you"
Grandma Farm

arlene said...

Well done Liam! (It's great to learn sign AND words. I know a little guy who signs really well and consequently does not realize that words work too. He therefore SCREAMS when he wants attention and no one is looking directly at him. Not so fun.)
Liam IS brilliant! I concur with Grandma Farm.

Karyn said...

I think teaching your baby sign language is a great idea! Robert signed a few words when he was a baby because I was learning sign language. However, I have also seen a child that should have been talking but would only sign. So, as with anything, a little balance is always a good thing.

Vinjelu and Kathryn Muyaba said...

What a cutie!