Monday, September 22, 2008

Pink and Purple

Poor Ada has thrush. So I went straight to the medicine cabinet and pulled out the Gentian Violet to start treatment. But, boy, is this stuff stains absolutely everything it comes into contact with.

While we're all sure to wear old clothes, Ada has the worst of it what with having to wear the ugliest sleeper I could find. It's fringed in 3 1/2" of lace that interferes with her latch. Maybe 20 years ago, this thing was the hottest thing in fashion, but not anymore. It's destined for the trash once the thrush has gone away.

To complement the lace absurdity, Ada's lips are stained purple and instead of a soft blanket, she's wrapped up in an old towel. I'm hoping this experience doesn't cripple her future fashion sense.

In spite of looking like The Joker (Nialle's words, not mine), Ada's all smiles. Such a trooper.


Anonymous said...

Luca had thrush often and had purple mouth, too. I don't know how many pictures I have of my little guy with "lipstick". Its not fun being careful of everything they touch!

Ada still looks so sweet, even with a purple mouth!


Grandma Farm said...

Where in the world did you find that pink foo-foo thing?? She is still beautiful. Purple lips, lace and all!
Grandma Farm

arlene said...

I feel her pain. That sleeper's just too, too much. But she's gorgeous anyway. I hope the nasty thrush is gone very soon. Otherwise little Ada will grow up and find herself on What Not To Wear, and you-know-who will be the one she blames!

Hugs from Grandma Town

Karyn said...

Poor baby. Kathryn used to have thrush all the time - due to the fact that I was on penicillin continually for the first 9 months of her life. (tonsilitis) I'm sure Kathryn would have worn that frilly sleeper - it would have been "the thing" to dress up a little girl back in 1985.

Vinjelu and Kathryn Muyaba said...

haha! I was thinking that too:) Funny I had it mnay timkes and I dont even know what it is:) I know it's not nice for the baby. I hope ada is doing better now.