Monday, January 5, 2009

Kids Say the Darndest Things

This morning, Liam was watching a Bobcat clear the parking lot across the street. When the bobcat had been loaded up onto the trailer and driven away, he asked, "Mommy, where'd the bobcat go?"

"Well, Liam, he probably had to go to another parking lot to clear the snow there. A bobcat has a lot of hard work to do."

"Yeah," Liam responded with a serious look on his face, "but it sure does impress the girls."

I just about died laughing.


Grandma Farm said...

Hehehe! I think Grandpa Farm had something to do with that, I've overheard him say that to Liam a couple of times in regards to trucks or other he-man things.

Vanessa said...

He was actually quoting the book that Grandma Town gave him for Christmas. But it wouldn't surprise me if he learned it from dad too...sounds like something he'd say.

arlene said...

Ha Ha! The little stinker picks up on everything!