Sunday, April 22, 2007

Lucky Liam!

Over the weekend, we had our families come and visit. Liam got to have both grandmas and four uncles give him a bath - he's one lucky dude!
Here he is with Grandma Farm and Uncle Josiah and Uncle Joel.
Here's his Sunday night bath with Grandma Town and Uncle Josh and Unlce Levi.


Grandma Farm said...

As I recall, he didn't care so much for Grandma Farm giving him a bath. Hopefully Grandma Town had better success!
Uncle Joel and Uncle Josiah woke up this morning with a "More Liam's house?" chant.
Not sure if it was Liam or his toys that they were eager to visit again.

arlene said...

Grandma town had at least as much fun as Liam, though I do feel I have grandma bones when I'm kneeling on the floor!