Friday, February 16, 2007

Things I've learned about babies

1. Sleeping babies have three kinds of radars which cause them to spring into action:

a. a "mommy just sat down to eat" radar
b. a "mommy needs to get some work done" radar

2. Breastfed babies not only have smelly poops, but smelly farts that have been known to take down an elephant

3. Babies can find the delete key on your keyboard

4. Every time you do the laundry, the sock elves steal one of your baby's socks

5. No one has a baby as cute as your baby


Grandma Farm said...

to be honest with you, Vanessa, it isn't all that different when they get to be toddlers either (even though they aren't breastfed)

arlene said...

Grandma farm is ringt, you still have to cope with the "bathroom" won't be able to do that in private for a long time.

grandma town