Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Napping in Holland

It's no secret that I'm a nerd for knitting and that I also love to browse through other knitters' blogs. One of my new favorites is by a girl about my age whose name is Saartje. Saartje lives in Holland, is an avid knitter and has a young daughter named Lotte (pronounced Lott-ah).

While browsing Saartje's blog I came across this post. My mom has always told me that the Dutch let their babies sleep outside, but I never had seen one of these "baby hutches". Check out Saartje's post to learn more...I may have to ask my dad to make us one of these!


Kindra said...

That baby hutch is crazy!! It's like a little dog house for your baby :)

Karyn said...

very interesting. Back in the
1950's, mothers put their babies in carriages (prams) outside on the front or back porch "for air" It was considered to be very healthy for a baby to nap outside. So we are not so different from the Europeans.

Grandma Farm said...

Like I said, I thought it was glass, but now that I look closer I can see it is made from screen. Perhaps Dad could build one but the pram sounds easier. Did I ever tell you we had a pram? I think A. Juliet took it over, but maybe she'll consider giving it back. I think I had Nethanel napping in it while building this house. We had a mosquito net over top. Do you remember?

arlene said...

I went berry picking a lot the summer Nialle was born and he slept in a little portable baby bed with a net over top.

The hutch is so funky. Sad to think I'm paranoid about leaving a baby out in your own back yard, but you could put bells on the door...and you have the monitor.