Liam has been having his bms in the afternoon lately, so I thought this morning was a good time to start training because we'd only have to deal with the wet stuff. So, when we got home, I had Liam put on his new underwear and we immediately went to the potty where Liam went pee. "This isn't so hard," I smugly thought to myself. After explaining to Liam that he needed to try and let me know when he had to go to the bathroom, I left him to play in the living room while I put away groceries.
It wasn't long before Liam came running up to me saying he had to use the potty. I was thrilled! But my excitement quickly faded as I turned to Liam and noticed his underwear was sitting so low that Curious George now swung from his vine somewhere down around his knees.
And while Curious George dangled there, it dawned on me that Liam had pooped in his pants.
Before I could spring into action and contain this soon-to-be-disaster, Liam ran off to the potty, with that pretty sack of poop swinging to-and-fro between his legs. Curious George, unfazed by it all and still hanging from his vine, smiled while he swung like a metronome from his new vantage point.
If this was a movie, this would be the point where everything would start moving in slow-mo. In this shot, you'd see me running after my son, hands reaching, eyes wide with terror and a deep "NNNOOOOOOOOO" coming from my mouth. Curious George wouldn't be swinging as fast, but he'd still have that stupid grin on his face. And the poop? Well, the poop would eking it's way out of the underwear and onto Liam's thighs, down his calves and onto his socks.
If this was a movie, the punch line would arrive once the camera zooms in on my son and his underwear and socks to show that everything is now a lovely shade of pink. Are you puzzled? Why is everything pink?
Well, we started potty training the day after we'd had beets for supper.
Needless to say,I'm not so smug anymore.
Needless to say,I'm not so smug anymore.

Hilarious!! At least from the vantage point of a Grandma who is not doing the training!!
Hahahahahaha! I laughed out loud at that one!
Good luck! Let me know when you discover some potty training secrets!
Hahaha! Oh the visuals...too funny! That Geaorge..always getting into trouble!
It's a fact, parenting leaves no room for smugness. Get used to it honey!
ROTFLMHO.....Been there, done that!
Great word picture, Ness!
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